Colleges, Greens and Commons
Distance – 6.2 km (3.8 miles)
Time - 1 hour 15 Mins
outline route
A Lovely walk through central Cambridge, taking in Colleges, the open spaces of Jesus Green, Midsummer Common and Christ’s Pieces and key Museums. it could take you just over an hour, or a whole day, depending on how many College and Museum visits you make.
Starting Point, The Guildhall, Market Hill.
With your back to The Guildhall.
Turn left and slightly right as you enter St Mary’s Passage, keeping Great St Mary’s Church on your right. It is possible to climb church tower to get a great view over the city.
You will soon reach Kings Parade and be faced by the Kings College Chapel, the most recognisable building in the City
Turn left along Kings Parade. At the corner of Benet Street, look out for the amazing Corpus Clock. Gold plated, with a huge grasshopper, ‘eating time’
The road continues as Trumpington Street. Follow this, passing Corpus Christi College on your left and St Catherine’s College to your right.
Corpus Christi College
Continue forwards until you reach Fitzbillies Cafe on your left (Famous for their Chelsea Buns).
Turn Right opposite the Cafe down Mill Lane, until you reach the Mill Pond.
Go through the bollards and across the bridge over the weir.
Follow the path with the river to your left. Take the next right fork
When you reach the second Mill Pond, turn right in front of the large Mill buildings and then right along Queens Road to the traffic Lights.
Go straight across at the lights and take the first opportunity to join the footpath on the grassy area to your right, known as ‘The Backs’
Continue along the footpath, with wonderful views across the Cam to Kings College Chapel and turn right onto Garrett Hostel Lane.
This will take you back across the River Cam into the City Centre
At the T junction, turn right along Trinity Lane and then left, to follow Senate House Passage. You will pass the Senate House on your right, just before you reach Trinity Street.
Turn left along Trinity Street and pass Gonville and Caius, Trinity and St John’s Colleges.
At the end of Trinity Street, you will see The Round Church in front of you.
Turn left here and follow the road towards Magdalene Bridge.
Just before the bridge, turn left along the river and follow the river walkway until you get to Jesus Green Home to one of the longest Outdoor swimming Pools in the Country
Continue beside the river and at Jesus Lock, turn right along the tree lined Avenue heading for Midsummer Common.
Cross the road to Midsummer Common.
Continue to cross the common diagonally, until you reach Maid’s Causeway. Look out for the grazing Red Poll cattle as you walk across the `common
Cross Maid’s Causeway at the lights, and walk up Fair Street to reach New Square.
Take the path across New Square, Cross at the lights and continue across Christ’s Pieces
At the end of the Park, continue along Christ’s Lane and turn left along St Andrews Street.
At the far end of the John Lewis store, turn right into Downing Street.
As you walk down this street, you will find the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology and the Sedgewick Museum of Earth Sciences on your left and the Museum of Zoology on your right. All of these Museums are worth a visit if you have time.
After you pass the museums, turn left into Tennis Court Road and the right into Fitzwilliam Road, which will bring you to Fitzwilliam Museum
If there is one Museum to visit in Cambridge, this would be it. Founded in 1816, it comprises one of the best collections of antiquities and modern art in western Europe.
Turn right past the front of the Museum, then right into Downing Street.
After about 100 metres, turn left into Free School Lane, continuing where it becomes pedestrianised
When you reach Benet Street, you will see The Eagle pub to your left. Famous for being the place where Watson and Crick announced that they had found ‘The Secret of Life’ and the RAF graffiti from WW2.
Turn right here and then first left along Peas Hill, which will bring you back to Market Hill which marks the end of the walk.